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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Disparage
1v. Belittle.
2adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
3A small quantity or portion
4Baffled; confused; puzzled
5adj. Trite; ordinary; common.
2. Impervious
1adj. Trite; ordinary; common.
2Baffled; confused; puzzled
3Completely resistant to penetration; unaffected; unreceptive; immune.
4v. Belittle.
5n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
3. Reticence
1A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
2adj. Tasteless; dull.
3Completely resistant to penetration; unaffected; unreceptive; immune.
4adj. Periodic; occasional
5n. Hesitancy to respond.
4. Modicum
1adj. Trite; ordinary; common.
2adj. Deserving blame.
3Baffled; confused; puzzled
4A small quantity or portion
5n. Fluctuation; wavering.
5. Haphazard
1adj. Random; by chance.
2Completely resistant to penetration; unaffected; unreceptive; immune.
3adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
4A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
5adj. Periodic; occasional
Question 6
6. Intermittent
1adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
2A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
3adj. Periodic; occasional
4adj. Tasteless; dull.
5A small quantity or portion
7. Emaciated
1adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
2adj. Periodic; occasional
3A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
4adj. Casual; hastily done.
5v. Belittle.
8. Vacillation
1A small quantity or portion
2adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
3n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
4n. Fluctuation; wavering.
5Completely resistant to penetration; unaffected; unreceptive; immune.
9. Sinecure
1A small quantity or portion
2Baffled; confused; puzzled
3A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
4n. Hesitancy to respond.
5A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
10. Reprehensible
1A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
2adj. Random; by chance.
3adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
4To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
5adj. Deserving blame.
Question 11
11. Compliance
1adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
2n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
3Baffled; confused; puzzled
4n. Conformity in fulfilling requirements.
5adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
12. Undulation
1adj. Tasteless; dull.
2A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
3adj. Deserving blame.
4adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
5adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
13. Cursory
1adj. Casual; hastily done.
2adj. Tasteless; dull.
3adj. Trite; ordinary; common.
4adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
5n. Conformity in fulfilling requirements.
14. Nonplussed
1adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
2adj. Tasteless; dull.
3A small quantity or portion
4v. Make impossible; prevent or eliminate.
5Baffled; confused; puzzled
15. Irresolute
1v. Make impossible; prevent or eliminate.
2v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
3adj. Random; by chance.
4n. Hesitancy to respond.
5adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
Question 16
16. Ephemeral
1adj. Casual; hastily done.
2adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
3v. Make impossible; prevent or eliminate.
4To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
5adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
17. Banal
1adj. Tasteless; dull.
2v. Make impossible; prevent or eliminate.
3adj. Periodic; occasional
4n. Hesitancy to respond.
5adj. Trite; ordinary; common.
18. Preclude
1adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
2v. Make impossible; prevent or eliminate.
3n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
4n. Conformity in fulfilling requirements.
5To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
19. Insipid
1adj. Periodic; occasional
2n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
3adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
4v. Belittle.
5adj. Tasteless; dull.
20. Concur
1adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
2Completely resistant to penetration; unaffected; unreceptive; immune.
3n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
4v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
5To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.

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