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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Exorbitant
1v. Make impossible; prevent or eliminate.
2adj. Deserving blame.
3Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
4v. Weaken.
5n. Portray.
2. Delineate
1n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
2v. Slander.
3n. Portray.
4n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
5n. Highly skilled artist.
3. Vilify
1adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
2adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
3v. Slander.
4adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
5adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
4. Blasphemy
1Spiritless; insipid; dull.
2adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
3n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
4Doubtful; unbelieving.
5Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
5. Preclude
1n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3n. Unwillingness.
4v. Make impossible; prevent or eliminate.
5Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
Question 6
6. Incongruous
1adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3A serve indirect or delayed reaction; aftereffect; reverberation; echo.
4adj. Not fitting; absurd.
5n. Portray.
7. Commensurate
1One who deserts a party, side, idea, etc. And joins the opposition; a traitor; traitorous.
2Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
3Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
4Spiritless; insipid; dull.
5n. Unwillingness.
8. Profusion
1n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
2adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
3A serve indirect or delayed reaction; aftereffect; reverberation; echo.
4adj. Not fitting; absurd.
5adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
9. Ephemeral
1Doubtful; unbelieving.
2adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
3n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
4adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
5adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
10. Ironic
1adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
2Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
3adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
4One who deserts a party, side, idea, etc. And joins the opposition; a traitor; traitorous.
5Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
Question 11
11. Skeptical
1Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
2Doubtful; unbelieving.
3v. Slander.
4adj. Not fitting; absurd.
5adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
12. Laconic
1adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
2n. Portray.
3n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
4adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
5v. Slander.
13. Arbitrary
1adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
2Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
3adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
4v. Slander.
5A serve indirect or delayed reaction; aftereffect; reverberation; echo.
14. Reprehensible
1adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
2adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
3n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
4adj. Deserving blame.
5adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
15. Enervate
1adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
2v. Weaken.
3A serve indirect or delayed reaction; aftereffect; reverberation; echo.
4Spiritless; insipid; dull.
5n. Unwillingness.
Question 16
16. Fastidious
1n. Unwillingness.
2Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
3A serve indirect or delayed reaction; aftereffect; reverberation; echo.
4adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
5Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
17. Pedantic
1Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
2Spiritless; insipid; dull.
3n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
4Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
5n. Unwillingness.
18. Vapid
1adj. Deserving blame.
2n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
3Spiritless; insipid; dull.
4n. Unwillingness.
5adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
19. Virtuoso
1adj. Not fitting; absurd.
2adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
3n. Highly skilled artist.
4adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
5adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
20. Repercussion
1adj. Deserving blame.
2A serve indirect or delayed reaction; aftereffect; reverberation; echo.
3n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
4n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
5n. Unwillingness.

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