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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Eclectic
1adj. Representing a wide variety of types or styles.
2adj. Excessive; overabundant; unnecessary.
3One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
4adj. Definite; open.
5Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
2. Nonplussed
1Baffled; confused; puzzled
2Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
3n. Nearness.
4Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
5adj. Definite; open.
3. Cryptic
1Offense; resentment
2adj. Mysterious; puzzling; secret.
3adj. Representing a wide variety of types or styles.
4v. Make numb; stun; amaze.
5One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
4. Explicit
1Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
2v. Start; initiate; install in office.
3Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
4Related to acting or actors; theatrical; overly dramatic.
5adj. Definite; open.
5. Momentous
1Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
2Of great importance or consequence.
3Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
4adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
5Offense; resentment
Question 6
6. Histrionic
1adj. Practical; realistic.
2Tending toward disaster; threatening; foreboding; evil; wicked; (literally: left or left - hand)
3To surrender on certain terms; to give in; to acquiesce.
4Related to acting or actors; theatrical; overly dramatic.
5v. Start; initiate; install in office.
7. Inaugurate
1adj. Representing a wide variety of types or styles.
2adj. Mysterious; puzzling; secret.
3Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
4n. Nearness.
5v. Start; initiate; install in office.
8. Plausible
1Of great importance or consequence.
2Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
3Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
4Offense; resentment
5One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
9. Blatant
1adj. Mysterious; puzzling; secret.
2Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
3One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
4Offense; resentment
5v. Make numb; stun; amaze.
10. Umbrage
1v. Start; initiate; install in office.
2Offense; resentment
3Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
4Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
5To surrender on certain terms; to give in; to acquiesce.
Question 11
11. Stupefy
1adj. Easily understood.
2Offense; resentment
3v. Make numb; stun; amaze.
4adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
5v. Start; initiate; install in office.
12. Recluse
1adj. Easily understood.
2Tending toward disaster; threatening; foreboding; evil; wicked; (literally: left or left - hand)
3One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
4Of great importance or consequence.
5Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
13. Superfluous
1adj. Representing a wide variety of types or styles.
2adj. Excessive; overabundant; unnecessary.
3Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
4One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
5adj. Easily understood.
14. Verbatim
1v. Overlook; forgive.
2Word for word; in the exact words.
3adj. Mysterious; puzzling; secret.
4Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
5v. Start; initiate; install in office.
15. Sinister
1adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
2Word for word; in the exact words.
3Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
4Offense; resentment
5Tending toward disaster; threatening; foreboding; evil; wicked; (literally: left or left - hand)
Question 16
16. Dilatory
1adj. Excessive; overabundant; unnecessary.
2adj. Easily understood.
3Related to acting or actors; theatrical; overly dramatic.
4Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
5Offense; resentment
17. Lucid
1adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
2adj. Easily understood.
3Baffled; confused; puzzled
4Related to acting or actors; theatrical; overly dramatic.
5Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
18. Pedantic
1Of great importance or consequence.
2adj. Practical; realistic.
3Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
4v. Start; initiate; install in office.
5Offense; resentment
19. Unbridled
1Related to acting or actors; theatrical; overly dramatic.
2v. Overlook; forgive.
3Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
4adj. Practical; realistic.
5adj. Excessive; overabundant; unnecessary.
20. Pragmatic
1adj. Practical; realistic.
2v. Overlook; forgive.
3adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
4Word for word; in the exact words.
5v. Make numb; stun; amaze.

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