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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Meticulous
1adj. Marginal; outer.
2adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
3To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
4v. Improve.
5n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
2. Resilience
1n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
2adj. Deserving blame.
3The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
4adj. Indisputable.
5The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
3. Renounce
1v. Abandon; disown.
2adj. Deserving blame.
3adj. Indisputable.
4adj. Marginal; outer.
5The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
4. Ingenuous
1adj. Inharmonious; conflicting.
2adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
3adj. Conspicuously wicked; obvious.
4adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
5The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
5. Virtuoso
1n. Highly skilled artist.
2n. Corruption; wickedness.
3n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
4adj. Marginal; outer.
5v. Abandon; disown.
Question 6
6. Philanthropist
1n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
2v. Approve; ratify.
3n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
4To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
5n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
7. Flagrant
1The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
2adj. Indisputable.
3n. Highly skilled artist.
4adj. Conspicuously wicked; obvious.
5The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
8. Decadence
1n. Highly skilled artist.
2adj. Deserving blame.
3adj. Marginal; outer.
4To surrender on certain terms; to give in; to acquiesce.
5A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
9. Depravity
1n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
2n. Corruption; wickedness.
3adj. Indisputable.
4v. Abandon; disown.
5n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
10. Peripheral
1adj. Inharmonious; conflicting.
2n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
3n. Lack of seriousness.
4adj. Marginal; outer.
5A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
Question 11
11. Sanction
1n. Highly skilled artist.
2adj. Conspicuously wicked; obvious.
3adj. Deserving blame.
4v. Approve; ratify.
5v. Improve.
12. Incontrovertible
1adj. Marginal; outer.
2adj. Indisputable.
3n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
4adj. Conspicuously wicked; obvious.
5adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
13. Abrogate
1v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3adj. Deserving blame.
4To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
5A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
14. Reprehensible
1adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
2v. Abandon; disown.
3adj. Indisputable.
4adj. Inharmonious; conflicting.
5adj. Deserving blame.
15. Discursive
1n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
2Passing from one subject to another.
3n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
4To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
5adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
Question 16
16. Eloquence
1Passing from one subject to another.
2adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
3n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
4A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
5n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
17. Capitulate
1adj. Deserving blame.
2n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
3To surrender on certain terms; to give in; to acquiesce.
4The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
5To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
18. Protagonist
1adj. Conspicuously wicked; obvious.
2n. Lack of seriousness.
3n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
4adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
5The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
19. Ameliorate
1v. Abandon; disown.
2A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
3v. Improve.
4n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
5To surrender on certain terms; to give in; to acquiesce.
20. Disdain
1v. Improve.
2v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
3adj. Marginal; outer.
4A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
5The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.

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