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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Debonair
1To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
2adj. Periodic; occasional
3One whose conduct is reproachful, a scoundrel; unprincipled; depraved.
4v. Approve; ratify.
5Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
2. Reprobate
1Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
4One whose conduct is reproachful, a scoundrel; unprincipled; depraved.
5adj. Practical; realistic.
3. Virtuoso
1v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
2The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
3n. Religious devotion; godliness.
4v. Approve; ratify.
5n. Highly skilled artist.
4. Infamous
1n. Religious devotion; godliness.
2adj. Notoriously bad.
3v. Approve; ratify.
4v. To make invalid; void
5v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
5. Abrogate
1One whose conduct is reproachful, a scoundrel; unprincipled; depraved.
2v. Come together.
3adj. Tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable.
4To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
5Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
Question 6
6. Spontaneous
1Unplanned; acting from a natural impulse; self - generated.
2adj. Periodic; occasional
3Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
4v. Revere.
5Complete or ridiculous failure.
7. Nullify
1Use too many words
2v. Revere.
3Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
4v. Approve; ratify.
5v. To make invalid; void
8. Ecstatic
1One whose conduct is reproachful, a scoundrel; unprincipled; depraved.
2v. To make invalid; void
3n. Seriousness.
4adj. Tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable.
5Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
9. Savory
1v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
2adj. Tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable.
3adj. Periodic; occasional
4Use too many words
5adj. Notoriously bad.
10. Verbose
1v. To make invalid; void
2Use too many words
3n. Highly skilled artist.
4A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
5To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
Question 11
11. Piety
1v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
2Complete or ridiculous failure.
3Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
4An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
5n. Religious devotion; godliness.
12. Sanction
1A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
2Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
3An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
4v. Approve; ratify.
5To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
13. Intermittent
1adj. Practical; realistic.
2Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
3An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
4adj. Periodic; occasional
5The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
14. Oscillation
1A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
2Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
3An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
4v. Revere.
5Unplanned; acting from a natural impulse; self - generated.
15. Fiasco
1n. Seriousness.
2v. Approve; ratify.
3Complete or ridiculous failure.
4An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
5Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
Question 16
16. Cajole
1v. Revere.
2Complete or ridiculous failure.
3v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
4adj. Practical; realistic.
5A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
17. Precedent
1Unplanned; acting from a natural impulse; self - generated.
2The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
3v. To make invalid; void
4To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
5An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
18. Gravity
1Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
2n. Religious devotion; godliness.
3n. Seriousness.
4v. Revere.
5v. To make invalid; void
19. Converge
1n. Seriousness.
2The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
3v. To make invalid; void
4v. Come together.
5v. Approve; ratify.
20. Pragmatic
1Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
2Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
3adj. Periodic; occasional
4adj. Practical; realistic.
5Use too many words

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