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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Peripheral
1Tending toward disaster; threatening; foreboding; evil; wicked; (literally: left or left - hand)
2adj. Not fitting; absurd.
3adj. Unruly; stubborn.
4adj. Inborn; innate
5adj. Marginal; outer.
2. Disinclination
1n. Unwillingness.
2adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
3adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
4adj. Not fitting; absurd.
5Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
3. Volatile
1adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
2Quickly evaporating; unstable; quickly changeable; influenced easily; fickle.
3n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
4adj. Serving as a model.
5adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
4. Expedient
1v. Start; initiate; install in office.
2n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
3adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
4v. Belittle.
5adj. Marginal; outer.
5. Sinister
1Use too many words
2Tending toward disaster; threatening; foreboding; evil; wicked; (literally: left or left - hand)
3n. Unwillingness.
4adj. Serving as a model.
5n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
Question 6
6. Redundant
1adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
2adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
3Use too many words
4Quickly evaporating; unstable; quickly changeable; influenced easily; fickle.
5adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
7. Infiltrate
1adj. Inborn; innate
2adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
3Quickly evaporating; unstable; quickly changeable; influenced easily; fickle.
4v. Belittle.
5v. Pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily.
8. Inherent
1n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
2v. Start; initiate; install in office.
3Tending toward disaster; threatening; foreboding; evil; wicked; (literally: left or left - hand)
4n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
5adj. Inborn; innate
9. Incongruous
1n. Unwillingness.
2adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
3adj. Not fitting; absurd.
4n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
5v. Pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily.
10. Intractable
1n. A gift made by a will.
2adj. Practical; concerned with practical values.
3adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
4adj. Unruly; stubborn.
5n. Unwillingness.
Question 11
11. Exemplary
1adj. Serving as a model.
2adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
3Use too many words
4n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
5In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
12. Plausible
1adj. Unruly; stubborn.
2adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
3Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
4n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
5v. Pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily.
13. Legacy
1v. Start; initiate; install in office.
2adj. Inborn; innate
3n. A gift made by a will.
4In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
5v. Belittle.
14. Satirical
1v. Belittle.
2n. Unwillingness.
3adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
4adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
5n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
15. Pragmatic
1In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
2adj. Practical; concerned with practical values.
3adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
4adj. Not fitting; absurd.
5adj. Unruly; stubborn.
Question 16
16. Scrupulous
1adj. Inborn; innate
2adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
3Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
4n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
5Quickly evaporating; unstable; quickly changeable; influenced easily; fickle.
17. Astute
1n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
2adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
3adj. Serving as a model.
4adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
5v. Belittle.
18. Pacifist
1Use too many words
2n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
3adj. Unruly; stubborn.
4adj. Practical; concerned with practical values.
5adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
19. Inaugurate
1v. Start; initiate; install in office.
2Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
3adj. Serving as a model.
4adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
5adj. Inborn; innate
20. Nominal
1adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
2In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
3n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
4adj. Marginal; outer.
5adj. Serving as a model.

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