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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Ambivalence
1Talkative; given to continual talking
2A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
3n. The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
4v. Charge with a crime.
5adj. Generous.
2. Indulgent
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2n. The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
3adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
4adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
5Fearless; dauntless.
3. Intrepid
1To completely erase; to wipe out.
2A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
3Fearless; dauntless.
4adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
5v. Praise.
4. Laud
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2v. Praise.
3v. Belittle.
4adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
5adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
5. Disparage
1v. Belittle.
2Completely resistant to penetration; unaffected; unreceptive; immune.
3Excessively dismal; mournful.
4A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
5A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
Question 6
6. Opaque
1adj. Generous.
2adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
3Talkative; given to continual talking
4A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
5adj. Dark; not transparent.
7. Loquacious
1adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
2Doubtful; unbelieving.
3To completely erase; to wipe out.
4adj. Extremely poisonous.
5Talkative; given to continual talking
8. Ephemeral
1adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
2Excessively dismal; mournful.
3n. The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
4(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
5v. Charge with a crime.
9. Magnanimous
1v. Praise.
2adj. Extremely poisonous.
3adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
4adj. Generous.
5adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
10. Debacle
1adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
2A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
3v. Charge with a crime.
4adj. Dark; not transparent.
5Completely resistant to penetration; unaffected; unreceptive; immune.
Question 11
11. Oscillation
1adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
2n. The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
3Excessively dismal; mournful.
4A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
5Fearless; dauntless.
12. Indict
1Talkative; given to continual talking
2A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
3adj. Generous.
4v. Charge with a crime.
5To persuade not to do something.
13. Emaciated
1adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
2adj. Generous.
3Fearless; dauntless.
4adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
5Doubtful; unbelieving.
14. Eradicate
1adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
2Excessively dismal; mournful.
3To completely erase; to wipe out.
4A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
5adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
15. Dissuade
1To persuade not to do something.
2adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
3adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
4Talkative; given to continual talking
5adj. Extremely poisonous.
Question 16
16. Virulent
1v. Cause; produce.
2adj. Extremely poisonous.
3To completely erase; to wipe out.
4adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
5Talkative; given to continual talking
17. Skeptical
1adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
2adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
3Doubtful; unbelieving.
4A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
5v. Charge with a crime.
18. Effervescent
1Doubtful; unbelieving.
2(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
3A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
4adj. Extremely poisonous.
5adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
19. Impervious
1adj. Short-lived; fleeting; temporary.
2Talkative; given to continual talking
3Completely resistant to penetration; unaffected; unreceptive; immune.
4(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
5adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
20. Conviction
1(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
2To completely erase; to wipe out.
3adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
4A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
5adj. Dark; not transparent.

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