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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Laud
1v. Snub; reject.
2That which makes richer or greater; the state results of such.
3v. Praise.
4Talkative; given to continual talking
5v. Pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily.
2. Compliance
1v. Pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily.
2Of great importance or consequence.
3n. Conformity in fulfilling requirements.
4v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
5adj. Brief and compact.
3. Aggrandizement
1v. Praise.
2v. Pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily.
3Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
4That which makes richer or greater; the state results of such.
5Had the appearance but not the actuality of; imitated; pretended; feigned.
4. Plausible
1adj. Brief and compact.
2Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
3A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
4n. Hesitancy to respond.
5n. Nearness.
5. Debonair
1v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
2v. Snub; reject.
3Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
4v. Scatter (like seeds) or news.
5n. Conformity in fulfilling requirements.
Question 6
6. Predilection
1Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
2v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
3Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
4adj. Inborn; innate
5n. Partiality; preference; liking; tendency.
7. Momentous
1n. Conformity in fulfilling requirements.
2n. Hesitancy to respond.
3Of great importance or consequence.
4v. Praise.
5n. Nearness.
8. Commensurate
1Had the appearance but not the actuality of; imitated; pretended; feigned.
2v. Scatter (like seeds) or news.
3Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
4Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
5n. Partiality; preference; liking; tendency.
9. Concise
1Talkative; given to continual talking
2v. Praise.
3adj. Brief and compact.
4n. Nearness.
5v. Come together.
10. Infiltrate
1v. Scatter (like seeds) or news.
2Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
3v. Bring up; feed; educate.
4v. Pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily.
5adj. Brief and compact.
Question 11
11. Reticence
1That which makes richer or greater; the state results of such.
2Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
3v. Approve; ratify.
4v. Come together.
5n. Hesitancy to respond.
12. Sanction
1That which makes richer or greater; the state results of such.
2Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
3v. Scatter (like seeds) or news.
4v. Approve; ratify.
5n. Difference; condition of inequality.
13. Rebuff
1adj. Brief and compact.
2v. Snub; reject.
3v. Come together.
4Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
5adj. Inborn; innate
14. Disseminate
1n. Difference; condition of inequality.
2Had the appearance but not the actuality of; imitated; pretended; feigned.
3n. Conformity in fulfilling requirements.
4v. Approve; ratify.
5v. Scatter (like seeds) or news.
15. Proximity
1n. Nearness.
2v. Pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily.
3v. Praise.
4v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
5v. Snub; reject.
Question 16
16. Cajole
1v. Bring up; feed; educate.
2Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
3v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
4Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
5adj. Inborn; innate
17. Simulated
1v. Come together.
2Of great importance or consequence.
3Talkative; given to continual talking
4Had the appearance but not the actuality of; imitated; pretended; feigned.
5A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
18. Disparity
1Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
2Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
3n. Difference; condition of inequality.
4v. Snub; reject.
5Talkative; given to continual talking
19. Nurture
1v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
2v. Bring up; feed; educate.
3Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
4adj. Brief and compact.
5n. Difference; condition of inequality.
20. Loquacious
1That which makes richer or greater; the state results of such.
2v. Approve; ratify.
3v. Come together.
4Of great importance or consequence.
5Talkative; given to continual talking

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