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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Prodigal
1The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
2adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
3adj. Slipshod in appearance; disheveled.
4The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
5Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
2. Equivocal
1n. Lessening; reduction in size.
2Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
3n. A gift made by a will.
4Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
5Having a double meaning; ambiguous; uncertain.
3. Fiasco
1n. A gift made by a will.
2Complete or ridiculous failure.
3adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
4adj. Mentally quick and observant; having insight.
5To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
4. Sacrilege
1To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
2Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
3Having a double meaning; ambiguous; uncertain.
4n. A gift made by a will.
5Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
5. Urbane
1adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
2The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
3v. Confirm; support.
4Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
5Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
Question 6
6. Diminution
1Influenced by desire for money; acting only for pay; greedy; one who is hired, esp.: A soldier hired by a foreign government.
2Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
3n. Lessening; reduction in size.
4The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
5adj. Mentally quick and observant; having insight.
7. Mercenary
1Influenced by desire for money; acting only for pay; greedy; one who is hired, esp.: A soldier hired by a foreign government.
2n. Lessening; reduction in size.
3The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
4Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
5adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
8. Berate
1v. Assent, agree passively.
2To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
3v. Free; disentangle.
4adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
5adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
9. Conciliatory
1The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
2adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
3Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
4To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
5Having a double meaning; ambiguous; uncertain.
10. Legacy
1Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
2adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
3adj. Mentally quick and observant; having insight.
4To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
5n. A gift made by a will.
Question 11
11. Corroborate
1To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
2v. Confirm; support.
3Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
4Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
5adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
12. Sobriety
1Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
2The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
3To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
4Having a double meaning; ambiguous; uncertain.
5v. Confirm; support.
13. Debonair
1adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
2To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
3n. Lessening; reduction in size.
4Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
5To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
14. Grotesque
1Complete or ridiculous failure.
2adj. Slipshod in appearance; disheveled.
3Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
4The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
5v. Confirm; support.
15. Discerning
1v. Confirm; support.
2adj. Mentally quick and observant; having insight.
3Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
4To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
5v. Free; disentangle.
Question 16
16. Extricate
1n. A gift made by a will.
2v. Free; disentangle.
3v. Confirm; support.
4adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
5v. Assent, agree passively.
17. Unkempt
1adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
2To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
3adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
4Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
5adj. Slipshod in appearance; disheveled.
18. Satirical
1adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
2v. Assent, agree passively.
3To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
4v. Free; disentangle.
5The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
19. Exorbitant
1Pleasant and gracious; refined; suave; urbane.
2Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
3Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
4Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
5n. Lessening; reduction in size.
20. Concur
1To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
2Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
3To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
4Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
5Complete or ridiculous failure.

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