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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Gravity
1adj. Based on assumptions or hypotheses.
2adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
3To imprison; to confine
4n. Seriousness.
5adj. Abundantly fruitful.
2. Incarcerate
1That which makes richer or greater; the state results of such.
2To imprison; to confine
3v. Bring up; feed; educate.
4adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
5Full of life; high spirited; lively; animated.
3. Immutable
1adj. Serving as a model.
2n. Forgetfulness.
3adj. Unchangeable.
4adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
5spacious; roomy.
4. Inaugurate
1adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
2Deserved punishment or its source; anything or anyone that always seems certain to defeat to frustrate.
3adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
4v. Start; initiate; install in office.
5adj. Notoriously bad.
5. Indulgent
1Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
2adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
3adj. Based on assumptions or hypotheses.
4To imprison; to confine
5n. Forgetfulness.
Question 6
6. Emaciated
1adj. Notoriously bad.
2n. Active enmity; hatred.
3Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
4adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
5adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
7. Scrupulous
1adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
2adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
3adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
4To imprison; to confine
5n. Seriousness.
8. Lugubrious
1adj. Based on assumptions or hypotheses.
2adj. Serving as a model.
3n. Active enmity; hatred.
4adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
5Excessively dismal; mournful.
9. Hypothetical
1adj. Notoriously bad.
2n. Forgetfulness.
3adj. Based on assumptions or hypotheses.
4adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
5n. Seriousness.
10. Sacrilege
1n. Double-dealing; guile.
2Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
3Excessively dismal; mournful.
4Full of life; high spirited; lively; animated.
5adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
Question 11
11. Exemplary
1adj. Serving as a model.
2n. Double-dealing; guile.
3adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
4adj. Unchangeable.
5spacious; roomy.
12. Prolific
1v. Start; initiate; install in office.
2adj. Thin and wasted from lack of nourishment.
3adj. Abundantly fruitful.
4Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
5spacious; roomy.
13. Astute
1v. Bring up; feed; educate.
2adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
3adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
4Excessively dismal; mournful.
5adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
14. Nemesis
1adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
2n. Forgetfulness.
3adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
4Deserved punishment or its source; anything or anyone that always seems certain to defeat to frustrate.
5Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
15. Animosity
1Excessively dismal; mournful.
2v. Start; initiate; install in office.
3adj. Notoriously bad.
4n. Active enmity; hatred.
5adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
Question 16
16. Ironic
1v. Bring up; feed; educate.
2v. Start; initiate; install in office.
3adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
4n. Forgetfulness.
5adj. Abundantly fruitful.
17. Duplicity
1v. Bring up; feed; educate.
2adj. Abundantly fruitful.
3n. Active enmity; hatred.
4adj. Suitable; practical; politic.
5n. Double-dealing; guile.
18. Infamous
1Excessively dismal; mournful.
2To imprison; to confine
3Full of life; high spirited; lively; animated.
4adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
5adj. Notoriously bad.
19. Oblivion
1Deserved punishment or its source; anything or anyone that always seems certain to defeat to frustrate.
2adj. Serving as a model.
3n. Forgetfulness.
4adj. Wise; shrewd; clever
5To imprison; to confine
20. Nurture
1v. Bring up; feed; educate.
2That which makes richer or greater; the state results of such.
3To imprison; to confine
4adj. Based on assumptions or hypotheses.
5adj. Serving as a model.

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