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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Animosity
1adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
2Of great importance or consequence.
3n. Active enmity; hatred.
4n. Conciseness.
5One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
2. Terse
1adj. Uncorrectable.
2adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
3Of great importance or consequence.
4v. Assent, agree passively.
5adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
3. Ingenuous
1n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
2n. Lessening; reduction in size.
3adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
4adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
5Without effect; ineffectual; useless.
4. Incorrigible
1adj. Practical; realistic.
2v. Weaken; enfeeble.
3n. Lessening; reduction in size.
4v. Belittle.
5adj. Uncorrectable.
5. Viable
1adj. Capable of maintaining life.
2n. Active enmity; hatred.
3One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
4A mental disorder causing delusions of grandeur or power; a tendency to grossly exaggerate
5v. Belittle.
Question 6
6. Relegate
1v. Belittle.
2v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
3adj. Practical; realistic.
4adj. Capable of maintaining life.
5adj. Serving as a model.
7. Exemplary
1Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
2n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
3adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
4adj. Serving as a model.
5n. Active enmity; hatred.
8. Diminution
1One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
2adj. Capable of maintaining life.
3adj. Serving as a model.
4n. Lessening; reduction in size.
5A mental disorder causing delusions of grandeur or power; a tendency to grossly exaggerate
9. Pragmatic
1v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
2adj. Capable of maintaining life.
3n. Conciseness.
4adj. Practical; realistic.
5v. Belittle.
10. Panacea
1v. Weaken; enfeeble.
2A glib or Facetious for anything and everything; a supposed universal cure; a cure - all.
3v. Belittle.
4v. Assent, agree passively.
5n. Conciseness.
Question 11
11. Eloquence
1n. Lessening; reduction in size.
2n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
3n. Conciseness.
4v. Belittle.
5adj. Practical; realistic.
12. Acquiesce
1v. Assent, agree passively.
2adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
3adj. Serving as a model.
4n. Conciseness.
5adj. Practical; realistic.
13. Brevity
1n. Conciseness.
2Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
3adj. Uncorrectable.
4adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
5adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
14. Momentous
1adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
2v. Overlook; forgive.
3n. Active enmity; hatred.
4Of great importance or consequence.
5adj. Practical; realistic.
15. Pervasive
1n. Lessening; reduction in size.
2A glib or Facetious for anything and everything; a supposed universal cure; a cure - all.
3adj. Practical; realistic.
4adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
5adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
Question 16
16. Depravity
1adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
2v. Assent, agree passively.
3adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
4n. Corruption; wickedness.
5One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
17. Megalomania
1n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
2adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
3adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
4A mental disorder causing delusions of grandeur or power; a tendency to grossly exaggerate
5adj. Capable of maintaining life.
18. Recluse
1v. Belittle.
2adj. Serving as a model.
3One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
4n. Active enmity; hatred.
5A mental disorder causing delusions of grandeur or power; a tendency to grossly exaggerate
19. Prodigal
1adj. Uncorrectable.
2adj. Practical; realistic.
3adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
4n. Active enmity; hatred.
5Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
20. Futile
1adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
2adj. Superficial; cursory; not thorough; routine.
3adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
4Without effect; ineffectual; useless.
5v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.

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