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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Innate
1adj. Periodic; occasional
2adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
3adj. Inborn. Natural.
4To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
5A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
2. Inane
1To completely erase; to wipe out.
2Meaningless; pointless; asinine
3v. Praise; glorify.
4Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
5adj. Generous.
3. Eradicate
1n. Religious devotion; godliness.
2Use too many words
3adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
4v. Scatter; break up.
5To completely erase; to wipe out.
4. Verbose
1v. Confirm; support.
2A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
3adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
4Use too many words
5A small quantity or portion
5. Enigma
1To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
2adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
3Wasted or gaunt in appearance.
4A small quantity or portion
5n. Puzzle.
Question 6
6. Unbridled
1Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
2Use too many words
3adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
4v. Scatter; break up.
5To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
7. Berate
1Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
2n. Religious devotion; godliness.
3adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
4To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
5adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
8. Modicum
1Excessively dismal; mournful.
2adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
3Meaningless; pointless; asinine
4A small quantity or portion
5To completely erase; to wipe out.
9. Garbled
1adj. Periodic; occasional
2adj. Inborn. Natural.
3Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
4adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
5Full of life; high spirited; lively; animated.
10. Corroborate
1adj. Inborn. Natural.
2n. Religious devotion; godliness.
3Wasted or gaunt in appearance.
4v. Confirm; support.
5v. Scatter; break up.
Question 11
11. Magnanimous
1adj. Generous.
2v. Confirm; support.
3Wasted or gaunt in appearance.
4Had the appearance but not the actuality of; imitated; pretended; feigned.
5adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
12. Meticulous
1adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
2adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
3adj. Inborn. Natural.
4v. Praise; glorify.
5adj. Generous.
13. Piety
1To completely erase; to wipe out.
2n. Religious devotion; godliness.
3adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
4adj. Generous.
5n. Puzzle.
14. Disperse
1v. Scatter; break up.
2To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
3Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
4A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
5To completely erase; to wipe out.
15. Intermittent
1To completely erase; to wipe out.
2Wasted or gaunt in appearance.
3adj. Periodic; occasional
4adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
5Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
Question 16
16. Grotesque
1adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
2adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
3Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
4To completely erase; to wipe out.
5adj. Periodic; occasional
17. Haggard
1adj. Excessively careful; fastidious.
2A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
3v. Scatter; break up.
4Wasted or gaunt in appearance.
5To completely erase; to wipe out.
18. Rustic
1To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
2A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
3Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
4adj. Periodic; occasional
5Excessively dismal; mournful.
19. Vivacious
1Had the appearance but not the actuality of; imitated; pretended; feigned.
2n. Religious devotion; godliness.
3v. Praise; glorify.
4Full of life; high spirited; lively; animated.
5A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
20. Extol
1A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
2Use too many words
3Meaningless; pointless; asinine
4To completely erase; to wipe out.
5v. Praise; glorify.

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