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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Extol
1adj. Inconspicuous; not blatant.
2n. Conciseness.
3v. Praise; glorify.
4Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
5v. Approve; ratify.
2. Scrupulous
1Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
2An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
3adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
4adj. Inconspicuous; not blatant.
5adj. Teaching; instructional.
3. Dissuade
1An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
2adj. Teaching; instructional.
3n. Conciseness.
4To persuade not to do something.
5adj. Inconspicuous; not blatant.
4. Unobtrusive
1adj. Inconspicuous; not blatant.
2Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
3adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
4adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
5adj. Casual; hastily done.
5. Bequeath
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2n. Controlling influence; domination
3v. Leave to someone by a will; hand down.
4v. Praise; glorify.
5adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
Question 6
6. Ebullient
1v. Praise; glorify.
2A small quantity or portion
3adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
4Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
5adj. Differing; deviating.
7. Didactic
1Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
2v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
3An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
4adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
5adj. Teaching; instructional.
8. Precedent
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
3An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
4adj. Casual; hastily done.
5v. Leave to someone by a will; hand down.
9. Euphemism
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2adj. Inconspicuous; not blatant.
3adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
4adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
5n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
10. Capricious
1v. Leave to someone by a will; hand down.
2To persuade not to do something.
3v. Slander.
4adj. Fickle; arbitrary
5adj. Differing; deviating.
Question 11
11. Fastidious
1v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
2n. Conciseness.
3Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
4adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
5n. Person who sows no emotions.
12. Modicum
1A small quantity or portion
2adj. Teaching; instructional.
3n. Person who sows no emotions.
4v. Approve; ratify.
5adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
13. Cursory
1v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
2n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
3adj. Casual; hastily done.
4Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
5adj. Inconspicuous; not blatant.
14. Vilify
1v. Slander.
2v. Praise; glorify.
3n. Controlling influence; domination
4v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
5Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
15. Divergent
1adj. Differing; deviating.
2v. Slander.
3adj. Inconspicuous; not blatant.
4v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
5n. Controlling influence; domination
Question 16
16. Urbane
1v. Praise; glorify.
2v. Leave to someone by a will; hand down.
3adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
4adj. Casual; hastily done.
5Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
17. Redundant
1v. Approve; ratify.
2A small quantity or portion
3adj. Teaching; instructional.
4n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
5adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
18. Sanction
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2n. Controlling influence; domination
3v. Praise; glorify.
4v. Approve; ratify.
5adj. Fickle; arbitrary
19. Brevity
1Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
2Elegant in manner; well bred; refined; polite.
3n. Conciseness.
4adj. Casual; hastily done.
5adj. Unruly; stubborn.
20. Intractable
1n. Controlling influence; domination
2adj. Casual; hastily done.
3v. Slander.
4adj. Teaching; instructional.
5adj. Unruly; stubborn.

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