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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Haughtiness
1A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
2n. Lack of proper respect.
3n. Pride; arrogance.
4adj. Sociable.
5adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
2. Paradox
1That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
2The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
3adj. Teaching; instructional.
4A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
5n. Forgetfulness.
3. Unbridled
1adj. Teaching; instructional.
2n. Corruption; wickedness.
3Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
4v. Come together.
5n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
4. Redundant
1adj. Kindly; favorable; not malignant.
2n. Active enmity; hatred.
3adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
4adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
5Tending toward disaster; threatening; foreboding; evil; wicked; (literally: left or left - hand)
5. Sinister
1n. Corruption; wickedness.
2A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
3Tending toward disaster; threatening; foreboding; evil; wicked; (literally: left or left - hand)
4n. Lack of proper respect.
5n. Person who sows no emotions.
Question 6
6. Intractable
1To persuade not to do something.
2n. Pride; arrogance.
3adj. Unruly; stubborn.
4n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
5adj. Teaching; instructional.
7. Oblivion
1n. Lack of proper respect.
2n. Person who sows no emotions.
3adj. Kindly; favorable; not malignant.
4n. Forgetfulness.
5A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
8. Irreverence
1adj. Teaching; instructional.
2n. Active enmity; hatred.
3n. Lack of proper respect.
4n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
5n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
9. Depravity
1n. Active enmity; hatred.
2Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
3adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
4n. Corruption; wickedness.
5A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
10. Didactic
1adj. Teaching; instructional.
2adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
3n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
4adj. Unruly; stubborn.
5Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
Question 11
11. Debacle
1v. Come together.
2A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
3n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
4n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
5adj. Unruly; stubborn.
12. Stoic
1n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
2n. Person who sows no emotions.
3To persuade not to do something.
4adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
5Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
13. Miserly
1adj. Kindly; favorable; not malignant.
2To persuade not to do something.
3n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
4adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
5Without effect; ineffectual; useless.
14. Benign
1Tending toward disaster; threatening; foreboding; evil; wicked; (literally: left or left - hand)
2n. Active enmity; hatred.
3adj. Kindly; favorable; not malignant.
4The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
5adj. Teaching; instructional.
15. Animosity
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2n. Active enmity; hatred.
3Without effect; ineffectual; useless.
4adj. Sociable.
5n. Forgetfulness.
Question 16
16. Futile
1n. Corruption; wickedness.
2n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
3Without effect; ineffectual; useless.
4That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
5Something new; a recent invention; the act or process of creating or introducing new things or ideas
17. Protagonist
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
3n. Pride; arrogance.
4The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
5adj. Sociable.
18. Converge
1n. Forgetfulness.
2n. Pride; arrogance.
3That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
4v. Come together.
5adj. Sociable.
19. Zealot
1n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
2Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
3n. Active enmity; hatred.
4n. Person who sows no emotions.
5The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
20. Fanaticism
1n. Lack of proper respect.
2n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
3n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
4adj. Teaching; instructional.
5adj. Sociable.

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