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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Exemplary
1adj. Serving as a model.
2adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
3Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
4Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
5v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
2. Conciliatory
1A small quantity or portion
2adj. Notoriously bad.
3adj. Practical; realistic.
4adj. Ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual.
5adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
3. Notoriety
1adj. Mysterious; puzzling; secret.
2A mixture of various things or subjects.
3adj. Notoriously bad.
4n. Disrepute; ill fame.
5Rough and weather worn; knotted; twisted.
4. Gnarled
1Complete or ridiculous failure.
2Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
3adj. Commonplace; trite.
4A small quantity or portion
5Rough and weather worn; knotted; twisted.
5. Reprobate
1adj. Serving as a model.
2adj. Practical; realistic.
3One whose conduct is reproachful, a scoundrel; unprincipled; depraved.
4adj. Weighty; heavy.
5A small quantity or portion
Question 6
6. Cryptic
1One whose conduct is reproachful, a scoundrel; unprincipled; depraved.
2adj. Misleading; false.
3Rough and weather worn; knotted; twisted.
4adj. Mysterious; puzzling; secret.
5adj. Weighty; heavy.
7. Rustic
1Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
2Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
3n. Disrepute; ill fame.
4adj. Notoriously bad.
5adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
8. Modicum
1A small quantity or portion
2adj. Mysterious; puzzling; secret.
3Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
4adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
5Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
9. Fallacious
1Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
2n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
3One whose conduct is reproachful, a scoundrel; unprincipled; depraved.
4adj. Misleading; false.
5adj. Serving as a model.
10. Fiasco
1Complete or ridiculous failure.
2adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
3n. Disrepute; ill fame.
4n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
5adj. Ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual.
Question 11
11. Verbose
1Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
2Use too many words
3One whose conduct is reproachful, a scoundrel; unprincipled; depraved.
4A mixture of various things or subjects.
5adj. Notoriously bad.
12. Hackneyed
1n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
2adj. Practical; realistic.
3adj. Commonplace; trite.
4Rough and weather worn; knotted; twisted.
5Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
13. Zealot
1adj. Ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual.
2A mixture of various things or subjects.
3adj. Serving as a model.
4n. Disrepute; ill fame.
5n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
14. Potpourri
1adj. Practical; realistic.
2A mixture of various things or subjects.
3adj. Ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual.
4adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
5adj. Serving as a model.
15. Ponderous
1adj. Weighty; heavy.
2Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
3adj. Misleading; false.
4adj. Ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual.
5v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
Question 16
16. Unbridled
1n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
2adj. Practical; realistic.
3Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
4adj. Notoriously bad.
5Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
17. Inadvertently
1adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
2adj. Ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual.
3Rough and weather worn; knotted; twisted.
4A mixture of various things or subjects.
5Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
18. Austerity
1adj. Notoriously bad.
2adj. Commonplace; trite.
3adj. Misleading; false.
4n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
5Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
19. Disdain
1adj. Serving as a model.
2Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
3adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
4Complete or ridiculous failure.
5v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
20. Mundane
1A mixture of various things or subjects.
2A glib or Facetious for anything and everything; a supposed universal cure; a cure - all.
3Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
4v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
5adj. Ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual.

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