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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Morose
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
3Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
4adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
5n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
2. Venerate
1Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
2A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
3n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
4n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
5v. Revere.
3. Sacrilege
1adj. Of the same kind
2Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
3adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
4adj. Generous.
5n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
4. Homogeneous
1v. Cause; produce.
2adj. Sociable.
3adj. Of the same kind
4v. Leave to someone by a will; hand down.
5Self - assurance; self - confidence; self - possession; poise.
5. Magnanimous
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2v. Leave to someone by a will; hand down.
3adj. Generous.
4Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
5Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
Question 6
6. Deterrent
1n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
2Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
3Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
4n. Unwillingness.
5Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
7. Nomadic
1Self - assurance; self - confidence; self - possession; poise.
2adj. Generous.
3Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
4v. Cause; produce.
5v. Approve; ratify.
8. Engender
1Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
2n. Unwillingness.
3v. Approve; ratify.
4v. Cause; produce.
5v. Free; disentangle.
9. Implication
1n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
2v. Cause; produce.
3n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
4v. Free; disentangle.
5n. Unwillingness.
10. Decadence
1v. Approve; ratify.
2adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
3n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
4n. Person who sows no emotions.
5A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
Question 11
11. Extricate
1v. Free; disentangle.
2adj. Generous.
3v. Revere.
4v. Leave to someone by a will; hand down.
5adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
12. Profusion
1n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
2adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
3A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
4n. Unwillingness.
5v. Leave to someone by a will; hand down.
13. Vicarious
1Self - assurance; self - confidence; self - possession; poise.
2Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
3Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
4A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
5n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
14. Sanction
1v. Start; initiate; install in office.
2v. Approve; ratify.
3Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
4v. Revere.
5n. Unwillingness.
15. Aplomb
1n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
2v. Start; initiate; install in office.
3Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
4Self - assurance; self - confidence; self - possession; poise.
5n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
Question 16
16. Ecstatic
1v. Revere.
2Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
3adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
4n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
5Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
17. Austerity
1Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
2v. Free; disentangle.
3adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
4n. Person who sows no emotions.
5n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
18. Stoic
1v. Revere.
2Felt as one's own experience by imagining that of another; done or experienced in substitution.
3Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
4n. Person who sows no emotions.
5A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
19. Gregarious
1v. Free; disentangle.
2adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
3adj. Sociable.
4Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
5n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
20. Irresolute
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
3Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
4n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
5adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.

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