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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Explicit
1n. Seriousness.
2adj. Known only to the chosen few.
3adj. Definite; open.
4adj. Superficial; cursory; not thorough; routine.
5Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
2. Antithesis
1n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
2n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.
3Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
4n. Wealth.
5adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
3. Magnanimous
1adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
2adj. Generous.
3adj. Known only to the chosen few.
4n. Wealth.
5A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
4. Augment
1v. Increase.
2adj. Indisputable.
3Related to acting or actors; theatrical; overly dramatic.
4adj. Keen; shrewd; having insight.
5That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
5. Dilatory
1n. Wealth.
2v. Cause; produce.
3v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
4v. Confirm; support.
5Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
Question 6
6. Conciliatory
1That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
2Unplanned; acting from a natural impulse; self - generated.
3v. Increase.
4n. Seriousness.
5adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
7. Zealot
1v. Cause; produce.
2adj. Known only to the chosen few.
3n. Conformity in fulfilling requirements.
4adj. Superficial; cursory; not thorough; routine.
5n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
8. Debacle
1That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
2adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
3n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.
4A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
5adj. Generous.
9. Sacrilege
1adj. Superficial; cursory; not thorough; routine.
2adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
3v. Cause; produce.
4adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
5Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
10. Spontaneous
1n. Seriousness.
2Unplanned; acting from a natural impulse; self - generated.
3adj. Known only to the chosen few.
4That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
5Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
Question 11
11. Corroborate
1adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
2v. Increase.
3v. Confirm; support.
4adj. Superficial; cursory; not thorough; routine.
5adj. Definite; open.
12. Gravity
1v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
2n. Seriousness.
3That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
4Related to acting or actors; theatrical; overly dramatic.
5adj. Indisputable.
13. Perfunctory
1n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.
2adj. Known only to the chosen few.
3Unplanned; acting from a natural impulse; self - generated.
4adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
5adj. Superficial; cursory; not thorough; routine.
14. Opulence
1v. Increase.
2adj. Generous.
3n. Wealth.
4adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
5In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
15. Incontrovertible
1v. Confirm; support.
2adj. Indisputable.
3v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
4n. Conformity in fulfilling requirements.
5adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
Question 16
16. Ironic
1Profanatory or irreverent treatment of holy things; desecration.
2In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
3adj. Resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner.
4n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.
5adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
17. Sagacious
1n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.
2adj. Keen; shrewd; having insight.
3That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
4A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
5Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
18. Relegate
1n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.
2Related to acting or actors; theatrical; overly dramatic.
3v. Confirm; support.
4v. Banish; demote; consign to inferior position.
5In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
19. Histrionic
1That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
2In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
3n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.
4v. Increase.
5Related to acting or actors; theatrical; overly dramatic.
20. Esoteric
1adj. Known only to the chosen few.
2adj. Indisputable.
3v. Confirm; support.
4adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
5n. Seriousness.

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