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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Disparity
1adj. Inharmonious; conflicting.
2v. Cause; produce.
3Something new; a recent invention; the act or process of creating or introducing new things or ideas
4n. Difference; condition of inequality.
5v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
2. Miserly
1v. Cause; produce.
2Harshness or bitterness of speech or manner; expression of great dislike or deep resentment.
3n. Difference; condition of inequality.
4v. Assent, agree passively.
5adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
3. Reprehensible
1adj. Deserving blame.
2adj. Inharmonious; conflicting.
3Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
4Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
5adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
4. Discordant
1adj. Known only to the chosen few.
2v. Snub; reject.
3Talkative; given to continual talking
4v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
5adj. Inharmonious; conflicting.
5. Notoriety
1Talkative; given to continual talking
2adj. Generous.
3Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
4n. Disrepute; ill fame.
5adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
Question 6
6. Rebuff
1adj. Known only to the chosen few.
2Harshness or bitterness of speech or manner; expression of great dislike or deep resentment.
3adj. Generous.
4v. Rival; imitate.
5v. Snub; reject.
7. Implication
1v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
2n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
3adj. Generous.
4Something new; a recent invention; the act or process of creating or introducing new things or ideas
5Wasted or gaunt in appearance.
8. Emulate
1Something new; a recent invention; the act or process of creating or introducing new things or ideas
2adj. Inharmonious; conflicting.
3v. Rival; imitate.
4n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
5n. Disrepute; ill fame.
9. Magnanimous
1Harshness or bitterness of speech or manner; expression of great dislike or deep resentment.
2adj. Generous.
3v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
4Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
5n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
10. Esoteric
1adj. Deserving blame.
2Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
3n. Disrepute; ill fame.
4adj. Known only to the chosen few.
5n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
Question 11
11. Pedantic
1Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
2Wasted or gaunt in appearance.
3adj. Showy; pretentious; too fancy.
4Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
5adj. Generous.
12. Engender
1adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
2n. Glowing ardor.
3v. Cause; produce.
4n. Disrepute; ill fame.
5v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
13. Haggard
1Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
2Wasted or gaunt in appearance.
3v. Cause; produce.
4n. Glowing ardor.
5adj. Inharmonious; conflicting.
14. Ebullient
1Harshness or bitterness of speech or manner; expression of great dislike or deep resentment.
2Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
3adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
4v. Snub; reject.
5adj. Deserving blame.
15. Ostentatious
1Talkative; given to continual talking
2v. Snub; reject.
3adj. Generous.
4adj. Deserving blame.
5adj. Showy; pretentious; too fancy.
Question 16
16. Polyglot
1v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
2adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
3v. Snub; reject.
4adj. Generous.
5Speaking or writing in several languages; multilingual; a mixture of languages.
17. Acquiesce
1adj. Superfluous; repetitious.
2v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
3Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
4adj. Deserving blame.
5v. Assent, agree passively.
18. Exonerate
1Wasted or gaunt in appearance.
2n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
3v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
4Speaking or writing in several languages; multilingual; a mixture of languages.
5v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
19. Fervor
1n. Glowing ardor.
2Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
3n. Disrepute; ill fame.
4Something new; a recent invention; the act or process of creating or introducing new things or ideas
5v. Rival; imitate.
20. Loquacious
1Talkative; given to continual talking
2v. Cause; produce.
3n. Disrepute; ill fame.
4n. Difference; condition of inequality.
5n. Glowing ardor.

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