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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Laconic
1In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
2n. Fear; trembling.
3Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
4adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
5adj. Lazy
2. Emulate
1adj. Mysterious; puzzling; secret.
2An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
3v. Rival; imitate.
4n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.
5n. Person who sows no emotions.
3. Unbridled
1Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
2Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
3In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
4That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
5adj. Showy; pretentious; too fancy.
4. Ostentatious
1n. Dilemma.
2adj. Showy; pretentious; too fancy.
3v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
4n. The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
5adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
5. Quandary
1n. Dilemma.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
4Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
5n. The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
Question 6
6. Stoic
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2n. Double-dealing; guile.
3To think about carefully; to ponder over; to meditate.
4n. Lessening; reduction in size.
5v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
7. Conciliatory
1n. Fear; trembling.
2To think about carefully; to ponder over; to meditate.
3n. Lessening; reduction in size.
4adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
5v. Rival; imitate.
8. Cryptic
1n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
2adj. Mysterious; puzzling; secret.
3n. Dilemma.
4v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
5adj. Showy; pretentious; too fancy.
9. Precedent
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2Not held in check; unrestrained; uncontrolled.
3An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
4n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
5n. Double-dealing; guile.
10. Enervate
1n. Highly skilled artist.
2v. Weaken.
3An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
4n. Fear; trembling.
5n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.
Question 11
11. Paradox
1That which may be true but which seems to be contradictory, false or absurd; a self-contradictory statement.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3n. Fear; trembling.
4n. Lessening; reduction in size.
5n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
12. Exonerate
1In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
2adj. Lazy
3adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
4An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
5v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
13. Virtuoso
1adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
4adj. Showy; pretentious; too fancy.
5An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
14. Ecstatic
1v. Weaken.
2n. Lessening; reduction in size.
3v. Rival; imitate.
4adj. Lazy
5Overwhelmingly happy; intensely delighted; rapturous.
15. Nominal
1n. The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
2To think about carefully; to ponder over; to meditate.
3v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
4In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
5n. Fear; trembling.
Question 16
16. Diminution
1adj. Lazy
2v. Acquit; free from guilt or responsibility.
3adj. Showy; pretentious; too fancy.
4n. Lessening; reduction in size.
5v. Weaken.
17. Trepidation
1In name only, not in fact; relatively trifling or quite small in value.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
4n. Fear; trembling.
5adj. Showy; pretentious; too fancy.
18. Ambivalence
1adj. Showy; pretentious; too fancy.
2n. The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
3An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
4adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
5n. Fear; trembling.
19. Sobriety
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
3adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
4n. Highly skilled artist.
5n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
20. Antithesis
1To think about carefully; to ponder over; to meditate.
2An action that may justify or serve as a standard for future ones; a guiding principle; proceeding; former.
3The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
4n. The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
5n. Contrast; direct opposite of or to.

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