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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Rebuff
1n. Nearness.
2An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
3adj. Depressed; gloomy.
4v. Snub; reject.
5n. Portray.
2. Mitigate
1adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
2Baffled; confused; puzzled
3v. Appease; mollify; ease or quiet.
4An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
5n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
3. Nepotism
1n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
2Baffled; confused; puzzled
3adj. Generous.
4adj. Known only to the chosen few.
5Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
4. Ingenuous
1adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
2Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
3adj. Known only to the chosen few.
4v. Snub; reject.
5adj. Mentally quick and observant; having insight.
5. Magnanimous
1n. Nearness.
2n. Portray.
3adj. Generous.
4adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
5adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
Question 6
6. Concur
1adj. Unruly; stubborn.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
4adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
5To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
7. Connoisseur
1adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
2n. Belief.
3An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
4n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
5Excessively dismal; mournful.
8. Incessant
1Excessively dismal; mournful.
2v. Snub; reject.
3n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
4adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
5To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
9. Nullify
1adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
2v. To make invalid; void
3n. Belief.
4adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
5adj. Generous.
10. Esoteric
1adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
2n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
3adj. Known only to the chosen few.
4n. Nearness.
5v. Appease; mollify; ease or quiet.
Question 11
11. Nonplussed
1adj. Known only to the chosen few.
2adj. Depressed; gloomy.
3n. Highly skilled artist.
4Baffled; confused; puzzled
5v. Appease; mollify; ease or quiet.
12. Eloquence
1v. To make invalid; void
2adj. Generous.
3adj. Depressed; gloomy.
4n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
5v. Appease; mollify; ease or quiet.
13. Pervasive
1v. Snub; reject.
2n. Highly skilled artist.
3adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
4Excessively dismal; mournful.
5adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
14. Lugubrious
1n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
2n. Nearness.
3To reach the same conclusion; agree occur at the same time.
4Excessively dismal; mournful.
5n. Belief.
15. Proximity
1adj. Unruly; stubborn.
2adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
3adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
4v. Snub; reject.
5n. Nearness.
Question 16
16. Conciliatory
1adj. Difficult to please; squeamish.
2adj. Known only to the chosen few.
3adj. Reconciling; soothing; apologetic.
4n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
5n. Nearness.
17. Discerning
1n. Nearness.
2adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
3adj. Depressed; gloomy.
4Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
5adj. Mentally quick and observant; having insight.
18. Credulity
1adj. Known only to the chosen few.
2adj. Generous.
3An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
4n. Belief.
5Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
19. Intractable
1n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
2adj. Unruly; stubborn.
3An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
4adj. Known only to the chosen few.
5v. Snub; reject.
20. Deterrent
1n. Belief.
2Baffled; confused; puzzled
3adj. Unruly; stubborn.
4v. Snub; reject.
5n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.

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