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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Rustic
1adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
2Pertaining to the country; rural; not refined; simple; one who lives in the country; a simple or undefined person.
3n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
4One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
5v. Abandon; disown.
2. Disperse
1To imprison; to confine
2adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
3n. Corruption; wickedness.
4v. Scatter; break up.
5adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
3. Incarcerate
1adj. Uncorrectable.
2n. Corruption; wickedness.
3v. Abandon; disown.
4adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
5To imprison; to confine
4. Grotesque
1adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
2n. Puzzle.
3n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
4v. Abandon; disown.
5Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
5. Philanthropist
1adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
2n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
3v. Revere.
4One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
5Talkative; given to continual talking
Question 6
6. Loquacious
1adj. Uncorrectable.
2v. Revere.
3Talkative; given to continual talking
4A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
5v. Make numb; stun; amaze.
7. Incorrigible
1adj. Uncorrectable.
2A small quantity or portion
3v. Praise; glorify.
4n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
5n. Corruption; wickedness.
8. Virtuoso
1n. Highly skilled artist.
2n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
3adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
4v. Revere.
5A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
9. Venerate
1Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
2v. Revere.
3adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
4v. Scatter; break up.
5adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
10. Laconic
1v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
2adj. Uncorrectable.
3adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
4Talkative; given to continual talking
5Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
Question 11
11. Recluse
1One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
2adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
3adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
4Talkative; given to continual talking
5A small quantity or portion
12. Arbitrary
1v. Revere.
2v. Scatter; break up.
3n. Belief.
4adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
5adj. Uncorrectable.
13. Renounce
1v. Abandon; disown.
2n. Corruption; wickedness.
3n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
4v. Revere.
5adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
14. Depravity
1n. Corruption; wickedness.
2adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
3Talkative; given to continual talking
4adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
5Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
15. Inadvertently
1Talkative; given to continual talking
2adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
3Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
4A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
5adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
Question 16
16. Extol
1n. Corruption; wickedness.
2v. Praise; glorify.
3adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
4adj. Uncorrectable.
5n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
17. Debacle
1v. Revere.
2A sudden and utter breakdown; an overwhelming and ruinous turn of events; a rout; a calamity.
3n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
4n. Corruption; wickedness.
5adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
18. Disdain
1Talkative; given to continual talking
2adj. Carelessly; unintentionally.
3n. Lover of mankind; doer of good.
4v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
5One who lives shut off from others; a hermit
19. Effervescent
1v. Make numb; stun; amaze.
2v. Abandon; disown.
3n. Corruption; wickedness.
4v. Praise; glorify.
5adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
20. Affirmation
1adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
2n. Puzzle.
3v. Make numb; stun; amaze.
4v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
5n. Positive assertion; confirmation.

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