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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Gregarious
1Quickly evaporating; unstable; quickly changeable; influenced easily; fickle.
2adj. Sociable.
3n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
4(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
5n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
2. Pedantic
1v. Start; initiate; install in office.
2Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
3n. Pride; arrogance.
4v. Bring up; feed; educate.
5n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
3. Conviction
1Meaningless; pointless; asinine
2v. Bring up; feed; educate.
3n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
4(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
5n. Pride; arrogance.
4. Predilection
1Of great importance or consequence.
2adj. Known only to the chosen few.
3adj. Slipshod in appearance; disheveled.
4n. Partiality; preference; liking; tendency.
5v. Start; initiate; install in office.
5. Incorrigible
1n. Pride; arrogance.
2n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
3adj. Uncorrectable.
4v. Start; initiate; install in office.
5adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
Question 6
6. Morose
1adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
2(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
3Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
4n. Partiality; preference; liking; tendency.
5Quickly evaporating; unstable; quickly changeable; influenced easily; fickle.
7. Inaugurate
1n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
2Quickly evaporating; unstable; quickly changeable; influenced easily; fickle.
3n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
4v. Start; initiate; install in office.
5(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
8. Implication
1Of great importance or consequence.
2n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
3adj. Uncorrectable.
4adj. Sociable.
5(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
9. Sagacious
1adj. Generous.
2adj. Keen; shrewd; having insight.
3v. Start; initiate; install in office.
4adj. Uncorrectable.
5adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
10. Inane
1adj. Sociable.
2v. Start; initiate; install in office.
3n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
4Meaningless; pointless; asinine
5adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
Question 11
11. Volatile
1Quickly evaporating; unstable; quickly changeable; influenced easily; fickle.
2v. Bring up; feed; educate.
3adj. Uncorrectable.
4n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
5n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
12. Fervor
1Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
2adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
3adj. Sociable.
4n. Glowing ardor.
5Of great importance or consequence.
13. Unkempt
1n. Pride; arrogance.
2adj. Slipshod in appearance; disheveled.
3v. Start; initiate; install in office.
4adj. Generous.
5n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
14. Esoteric
1n. Glowing ardor.
2adj. Periodic; occasional
3Meaningless; pointless; asinine
4Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
5adj. Known only to the chosen few.
15. Eloquence
1n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
2n. Glowing ardor.
3Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
4n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
5n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
Question 16
16. Nurture
1n. Glowing ardor.
2n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
3v. Start; initiate; install in office.
4v. Bring up; feed; educate.
5Making a show of learning; being formal or precise about minor matters in scholarship.
17. Haughtiness
1adj. Uncorrectable.
2v. Start; initiate; install in office.
3n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
4n. Pride; arrogance.
5v. Bring up; feed; educate.
18. Ebullient
1n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
2(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
3adj. Keen; shrewd; having insight.
4Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
5adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
19. Profusion
1adj. Slipshod in appearance; disheveled.
2adj. Known only to the chosen few.
3adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
4n. Lavish expenditure; large amount.
5v. Bring up; feed; educate.
20. Intermittent
1n. Something that discourages; a hindrance.
2adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
3adj. Known only to the chosen few.
4adj. Periodic; occasional
5Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.

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