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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Hypothetical
1v. Charge with a crime.
2Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
3n. Religious devotion; godliness.
4adj. Fickle; arbitrary
5adj. Based on assumptions or hypotheses.
2. Sobriety
1Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
2adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
3The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
4Baffled; confused; puzzled
5adj. Trite; ordinary; common.
3. Banal
1adj. Practical; concerned with practical values.
2adj. Fickle; arbitrary
3v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
4adj. Trite; ordinary; common.
5n. Religious devotion; godliness.
4. Disdain
1v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
2adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
3n. Religious devotion; godliness.
4Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
5The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
5. Infamous
1adj. Notoriously bad.
2Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
3n. Religious devotion; godliness.
4v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
5v. Charge with a crime.
Question 6
6. Viable
1adj. Deep; not superficial.
2adj. Capable of maintaining life.
3adj. Fickle; arbitrary
4v. Revere.
5adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
7. Modicum
1A small quantity or portion
2adj. Fickle; arbitrary
3adj. Deep; not superficial.
4n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
5adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
8. Nonplussed
1Baffled; confused; puzzled
2A small quantity or portion
3adj. Practical; concerned with practical values.
4adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
5v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
9. Euphemism
1adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
2n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
3v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
4adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
5The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
10. Eloquence
1adj. Capable of maintaining life.
2Baffled; confused; puzzled
3adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
4n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
5adj. Practical; concerned with practical values.
Question 11
11. Incessant
1v. Revere.
2adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
3n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
4adj. Deep; not superficial.
5adj. Practical; realistic.
12. Pragmatic
1n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
2Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
3adj. Practical; concerned with practical values.
4adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
5Baffled; confused; puzzled
13. Venerate
1A small quantity or portion
2v. Revere.
3n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
4Baffled; confused; puzzled
5The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
14. Blatant
1Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
2Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
3n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
4v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
5n. Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.
15. Abrogate
1The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
2n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
3v. Revere.
4To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
5n. Religious devotion; godliness.
Question 16
16. Piety
1n. Religious devotion; godliness.
2adj. Trite; ordinary; common.
3v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
4n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
5n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
17. Fanaticism
1n. Religious devotion; godliness.
2Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
3adj. Trite; ordinary; common.
4n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
5adj. Uninterrupted; continuous.
18. Pervasive
1To Annul; repeal; abolish; cancel.
2Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
3adj. Based on assumptions or hypotheses.
4adj. Spread throughout ; permeating.
5adj. Fickle; arbitrary
19. Profound
1n. Religious devotion; godliness.
2adj. Deep; not superficial.
3Obvious; conspicuous, offensively loud.
4n. Expressiveness; persuasive speech.
5adj. Capable of maintaining life.
20. Indict
1v. Revere.
2v. Charge with a crime.
3adj. Practical; realistic.
4v. Treat with scorn or contempt.
5n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.

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