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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Discerning
1Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
2n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
3adj. Deserving blame.
4n. Lack of seriousness.
5adj. Mentally quick and observant; having insight.
2. Nepotism
1n. Lessening; reduction in size.
2n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
3Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
4v. Blames; criticize.
5adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
3. Cajole
1adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
2n. Lessening; reduction in size.
3A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
4v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
5To imprison; to confine
4. Censure
1n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
2adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
3v. Blames; criticize.
4n. Lessening; reduction in size.
5adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
5. Terse
1n. Lessening; reduction in size.
2To imprison; to confine
3adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
4Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
5v. Start; initiate; install in office.
Question 6
6. Disperse
1v. Scatter; break up.
2A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
3adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
4adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
5v. Blames; criticize.
7. Morose
1n. Lack of seriousness.
2A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
3adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
4To imprison; to confine
5v. Scatter; break up.
8. Ponderous
1adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
2adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
3n. Lessening; reduction in size.
4adj. Weighty; heavy.
5n. Religious devotion; godliness.
9. Enervate
1adj. Weighty; heavy.
2Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
3v. Weaken.
4n. Lessening; reduction in size.
5n. Religious devotion; godliness.
10. Inaugurate
1A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
2A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
3adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
4v. Start; initiate; install in office.
5n. Lessening; reduction in size.
Question 11
11. Garbled
1v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
2adj. Mentally quick and observant; having insight.
3adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
4Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
5To imprison; to confine
12. Reprehensible
1adj. Weighty; heavy.
2adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
3Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
4Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
5adj. Deserving blame.
13. Diminution
1adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
2adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
3n. Lessening; reduction in size.
4v. Coax; wheedle; flatter.
5adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
14. Frivolity
1n. Lessening; reduction in size.
2n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
3v. Blames; criticize.
4Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
5n. Lack of seriousness.
15. Oscillation
1n. Lessening; reduction in size.
2adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
3v. Start; initiate; install in office.
4A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
5adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
Question 16
16. Piety
1n. Lessening; reduction in size.
2n. Religious devotion; godliness.
3To imprison; to confine
4n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
5adj. Ill-humored; sullen.
17. Nomadic
1n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
2adj. Na?ve; young; unsophisticated.
3Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
4Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
5Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
18. Sinecure
1adj. Weighty; heavy.
2A paid position that requires little or on work or responsibility.
3adj. Deserving blame.
4A swinging back and forth; in decision or wavering.
5v. Weaken.
19. Satirical
1Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
2adj. Mocking; ridiculing; sarcastic.
3adj. Weighty; heavy.
4To imprison; to confine
5adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
20. Dilatory
1Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
2v. Weaken.
3adj. Unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical.
4Causing or characterized by delay; tardy; slow.
5adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.

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