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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Hackneyed
1v. Urges; start; provoke.
2adj. Commonplace; trite.
3adj. Widespread; generally accepted.
4An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
5Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
2. Discursive
1An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
2adj. Widespread; generally accepted.
3adj. Not fitting; absurd.
4Passing from one subject to another.
5n. Double-dealing; guile.
3. Prevalent
1adj. Widespread; generally accepted.
2Something new; a recent invention; the act or process of creating or introducing new things or ideas
3adj. Random; by chance.
4Happening by chance; accidental.
5To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
4. Laconic
1adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
2v. Cause; produce.
3n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
4adj. Not fitting; absurd.
5adj. Widespread; generally accepted.
5. Connoisseur
1adj. Commonplace; trite.
2Passing from one subject to another.
3Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
4An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
5To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
Question 6
6. Quandary
1n. Dilemma.
2Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
3Fearless; dauntless.
4Happening by chance; accidental.
5adj. Commonplace; trite.
7. Instigate
1adj. Random; by chance.
2adj. Commonplace; trite.
3An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
4adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
5v. Urges; start; provoke.
8. Berate
1Something new; a recent invention; the act or process of creating or introducing new things or ideas
2adj. Commonplace; trite.
3n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
4To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
5An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
9. Duplicity
1Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
2The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
3An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
4n. Double-dealing; guile.
5To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
10. Conviction
1(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
2One who deserts a party, side, idea, etc. And joins the opposition; a traitor; traitorous.
3n. Double-dealing; guile.
4adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
5Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
Question 11
11. Innovation
1Something new; a recent invention; the act or process of creating or introducing new things or ideas
2n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
3n. Dilemma.
4An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
5(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
12. Fortuitous
1n. Double-dealing; guile.
2To scold severely; Rebuke harshly
3adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
4Happening by chance; accidental.
5adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
13. Intrepid
1adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
2adj. Widespread; generally accepted.
3Speaking or writing in several languages; multilingual; a mixture of languages.
4v. Cause; produce.
5Fearless; dauntless.
14. Resilience
1Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
2Happening by chance; accidental.
3An expert in distinguishing and judging values, especially in arts, fine foods, wines, etc.
4Something new; a recent invention; the act or process of creating or introducing new things or ideas
5The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
15. Commensurate
1(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
2Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
3Speaking or writing in several languages; multilingual; a mixture of languages.
4n. Dilemma.
5adj. Exuberant; bubbly and excited.
Question 16
16. Nomadic
1Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
2Happening by chance; accidental.
3adj. Not fitting; absurd.
4v. Urges; start; provoke.
5Fearless; dauntless.
17. Haphazard
1v. Cause; produce.
2adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
3v. Urges; start; provoke.
4Happening by chance; accidental.
5adj. Random; by chance.
18. Nullify
1Speaking or writing in several languages; multilingual; a mixture of languages.
2v. To make invalid; void
3Fearless; dauntless.
4Wandering from place to place: having no fixed location.
5adj. Widespread; generally accepted.
19. Polyglot
1n. One who is peaceful or opposed to use of force.
2Speaking or writing in several languages; multilingual; a mixture of languages.
3v. Cause; produce.
4v. To make invalid; void
5One who deserts a party, side, idea, etc. And joins the opposition; a traitor; traitorous.
20. Renegade
1v. Cause; produce.
2One who deserts a party, side, idea, etc. And joins the opposition; a traitor; traitorous.
3adj. Not fitting; absurd.
4The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
5Equal in measures; properly proportionate.

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