Online Marketing & Business Strategy

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Silverdale High School, Panchgani

Silverdale High School is located in the hills of Panchgani, Maharashtra, India. It is a boarding school whichsilverdalehighschool logo offers curriculum that includes H.S.C, N.I.O.S and S.S.C. Silverdale also has a commerce and science Junior college. The Adword geo-targeting was done to ensure only students and parents interested in the school saw the Ads.

As the admission season was in full swing, the online marketing was effective. We created several Ad campaigns; with different ad groups for each curriculums. Each ad groups had different focus and different keywords for targeting

The image ads were created for different campaigns in order to receive higher number of impressionssilverdale image ads; it also helped in creating a better branding for the school. For additional targeting and branding we used YouTube channelThe targeting for this was done using both keywords as well as user interests and demographics.

We added conversion tracking (to count number of people interested in admissions) with remarketing tags .


Bharat Flooring & Tiles - Mumbai
"HMI has provided us with the most value service by understanding our needs and presenting the best possible solutions. " Mr. Firdaus Variava, Director Marketing

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True North Learning System Private Limited
"HMI has been instrumental in the development and implementations of our ladder logic development software. "

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